Monday, June 24, 2013


oh man! I dunnoe hw to start dis...
sunshinee, aku nk edit you bg cntik2, tp x berkemahiran la sunshinee...
its okay, next time aku explore lg k..Love You Sunshinee!

okay sunshinee...
aku malas nk update pasal ni lg..
just introduce to you my classmate, audiology...

~Hari2 Terakhir Bersama ahli 129~

hye sunshinee...
I know dh lama you tunggu utk I update entry2 kt sini...
Im sorry sunshinee..but Im not forgetting you dear...
hahahaha...hati blog pun nk kna jaga..
hurm, time study week ni la tiba2 terasa nk update blog ni...
memandangkan aku akan jd penghuni bilik 129 lagi 2 hari ja, aku nk singkap memori aku dgn roommate2 aku sepanjang aku duk dalam bilik ni selama setahun...setahun tu lama tapi rasa sekejap sngt bersama mereka sbb they are the best...


we are sisters...thank kak nad for being with going through all the hardships and life in usm..
rasanya kalau kak nad xdak and x jd roommate aku, Im gonna lost in this university's life...
I dont know why, but I love you like you are my sister...
she's too caring and terlalu memanjakan Nurul Fatin...
since first sem, kak nad melalui perjalanan yg sukar kt usm ni...
bila aku sakit, kak nad jaga...
waaaa...rasa nk nangis ja...
kak nad, Im gonna miss our moments...
ops, jgn lupa introduce game sapa kawen dlu kt new roommate kak nad taw...
hehehehe...LOVE YOU KAK NAD! 

second roommate is INTAN SYAZWANI

intan pun sama ja mcm kak nad...
caring..entah la..roommate kali ni mmg caring and I dont feel like going home sngt...
kalau dpt roommate yg entah apa2 mesti aku rasa nk balik ja...
hehehehe...intan ni lg matang dr kami smua..
pemikiran dia and kata2 dia boleh menyelesaikan masalah aku dgn kak nad...
intan actually senior k...dh 2nd year in diploma nursing..
so, she knows better life kt usm ni...
dia banyak membantu jugak and x pernah berkira tambah2 bila aku dgn kak nad terpaksa pinjam space dia utk letak barang or utk solat or anything... 

so, thats all...nnti apa2 lg I akan update you lagi k sunshinee...
p/s: I havent cried yet tapi nk tunggu drama dis thurs...OMG! :D

Friday, January 25, 2013

~new adaptation~

You taw x I msuk Universiti mana?
hah, tu la..aku lupa kt sunshinee ni smpai lupa nk hupdate psai my new life as a student....
susah betul blajar ni...
aku daki tinggi2 smpai dh tahap yg ranking no.3 tertinggi which is degree...
taw x aku ambik kos apa?
I'm an Audiologist-to-be...taw apa benda tuh?
thats it...only USM and UKM offer dis course..
susah nak msuk sbb kena interview..


Audiology is a challenging and expanding field of clinical science and technology, involving the study of hearing and balance. As a healthcare profession, audiology also involves assessment, management and therapeutic rehabilitation of people with hearing and balance problems and associated disorders.  This includes patients of all ages from newborns and children through to working adults and the elderly.

so, taw dh la kan...hah, rmai org xtaw kos ni...
TAPI! jgn ingat mudah blajar kos ni...
mcm ambik medic kot...
try to imagine...if people fall sick, I know what kind of disease that people has according to the symptoms..
muahahahaha...the latest, aunt maybe has dorpsy ambiguation..huhuhu...
utk 1st sem, 
  1. Anatomy and Physiology
  2. Anatomy and Phsyiology for hearing and speech
  3. Phsyics for Audiologist
  4. Stress Management
  5. Psychology and Behavioural Science
  6. Child Language Development
see...sngt tough kot...
tp sapa2 yg mmg ambik Modul 1 kat matrik, ni mmg sesuai la utk anda...
blajar mmg dua2 skali except for chemistry la...
so..sunshinee! You dh taw kan I blajar kt mana..



okay la you...takat ni ja la aku nak bgtaw..
sbbnya, lpas ni aku nak cita psal memory aku dgn kawan2 plak..
pasal coursemate aku, psl bestfriends aku si Farhana dgn Muna yg dpt USM dgn aku jugak...just course ja lain2..hehehe...
bye2 sunshineee....~xoxo~

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

done watching adam & hawa...

look how sweet they are....
tp takat episod 58 ja la...
eventhough aku dh taw apa nak jd...
aku taw next episod nthngs gonna happen...
just happy and happy...
but still if Dee ada...
I wont watch it..
plus kes azie dgn johan lg...
man! what happened to johan?
I cant remember whats written in the book...
but mcm x percya ja johan mcm tu..
edit kah? cuba nk tukar cita kah?
mostly I like the book more...~

becoz of I might watch the drama at USM when I'm bored..
soooo...starting from ep 59...

ep 60

ep 61

ep 62

aku dh x larat dh la sunshinee....

p/s: dis is the link...full episodes of adam dan hawa..thanks to the website owner..:)

I'm back to write~

sunshinee!!! You dh berhabuk teruk sngt dh ni... 
mcm I baru mai nak sewa rumah plak... 
ksiannya kat You sunshinee... 
tp tu la, bila dh bnyk laman sosial ni... I lupa kt You sunshinee...
sorry ya syg.. hehehe...
now I'm back... nk tulis bnyk3.. 
coz, dis blog will keep all my memories.. seriously... 
when I read everything back, then I'll remember... 
thanks sunshinee!! I'm glad to have you... muah muah muah...:D